We hosted the BIRG Cadaveric Workshop on “All around complex fracture treatment and joint replacement in hand surgery” in Tuttlingen, Germany. We were extremely happy to welcome more than 40 participants together with a fantastic faculty comprising renowned hand surgeons from all over Europe!
The course highlight was, without doubt, the hands-on cadaver dissection on fresh human specimens. In teams of two, attendees could practice different exercises, such as distal radius as well as metacarpal and phalangeal fracture management, while enjoying close assistance from the faculty. Cadaveric training on ulnar shortening, PIP arthroplasty, and ulnar head replacement rounded off this successful course concept for all participants. High-caliber presentations and case discussions complemented the hands-on parts.
We want to thank everyone for putting effort and passion into this course! We enjoyed it, and we hope you did as well!
Soha Sajid, United Kingdom
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who worked on putting the course together; it was an outstanding success!
It was a really amazing course that I thoroughly enjoyed and learned so much from. It was very well organized and structured and held at an excellent facility. The format of presentations with discussion of the topics, example cases, and tips and tricks was a very useful introduction to the techniques we then applied in the cadaveric lab. The presentations were all very relevant and brilliantly delivered by experts in the field.
The lab itself was excellent! Two candidates for each hand/upper limb allowed everyone to practice the techniques. The faculty members were equally fantastic and very experienced. Practicing the techniques has given me the confidence to use them to help my patients. I am very happy that we got a chance to perform a wide variety of techniques using a range of instrumentation and have the guidance of experts in the field. I would wholeheartedly recommend the course to my surgical colleagues; it was time well invested!